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Board of Education
Access to District Public Records
Full access to the District’s public records is available to any person as provided in the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and District policy.
Freedom of Information Officer(s)
The Superintendent and Principal shall serve as the District’s Freedom of Information Officers and are assigned all duties and powers of that office as provided in FOIA and the District’s policy. The FOIA Officer(s) shall report any FOIA requests and the status of the District’s response to the Board at each regular Board meeting.
Contact Information
FOIA Officers:
Dr. Michael Merritt
715 Meadow Ave.
Rockdale, IL 60436
Phone: (815) 725-5321
Fax: (815) 725-3631
Elizabeth Darlin
715 Meadow Ave.
Rockdale, IL 60436
Phone: (815) 725-5321
Fax: (815) 725-3099
Requesting Records
A request for inspection and/or copies of public records must be made in writing and may be submitted by personal delivery, mail, fax, or email directed to the District’s Freedom of Information Officer. Individuals making a request for a commercial purpose or when requesting a waiver must state so in the request.
All requests for inspection and copying shall immediately be forwarded to the District’s Freedom of Information Officer or designee.
Responding to Requests
The Freedom of Information Officer(s) shall approve all requests for public records unless:
The requested material does not exist.
The requested material is exempt from inspection and copying by the Freedom of Information Act.
Complying with the request would be unduly burdensome.
Within five (5) business days after receipt of a request for access to a public record, the Freedom of Information Officer shall comply with or deny the request, unless the time for response is extended as specified in the Freedom of Information Act.
Copying Fees
A fee of 15¢ per page shall be charged for responses in excess of fifty (50) pages of black and white letter or legal sized copies.
The inspection and copying of a public record that is the subject of an approved access request is permitted at the District’s administrative office during regular business hours, unless other arrangements are made by the Freedom of Information Officer.
Many public records are immediately available from the District’s website
FOIA - Related Files