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Below is general registration information. If you have further/immediate registration related questions, please call the main office at 815-725-5321 or email cflores@rockdale84.org
Students new to Rockdale School can also start the process by completing the following form:
Once the information is received our staff will start the process and contact you by phone or by email with directions to access TeacherEase to continue with the Online Registration. To do this an email address is required.
Parents of returning students can access the Online Registration directly in TeacherEase at www.TeacherEase.com
This should become available sometime in May 2023.
All students enrolled in Rockdale School District must be legal residents of the District. It is presumed that children are residents of the School District in which their parents have established residence. Legal residency requires that the household be established within the district with the primary intent of remaining there on a permanent basis. Establishing a residence within the district with the primary intent to enroll the child(ren) in the educational program does NOT constitute residency for enrollment in the school program. Non-resident students many not attend District schools. Only the parent or legal guardian can enroll a child. Specific documents are required to enroll any child as a student in the Rockdale School District.
The Rockdale School District requires a process to register and enroll a student prior to the student attending school:
Confirmation of the adult’s identity and relationship to child
Confirmation of the age of the child
Confirmation that the child resides in the Rockdale 84 School District
If a student is determined to be a non-resident of the District, the person(s) enrolling the student are liable for non-resident tuition from the date the student began attending a District school as a non-resident. A person who knowingly enrolls or attempts to enroll in the School District on a tuition-free basis a student known by that person to be a non-resident of the District is guilty of a Class C misdemeanor, (105) ILCS 5/10-20.12b(e).
The School District performs random residency checks throughout the school year.
Under the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act, a student may be considered homeless if he/she lacks a “fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime place of abode.” This includes students living in shelters, streets, cars, abandoned buildings, inadequate housing, temporarily sharing the housing of other persons due to a lack of housing, migratory children, runaways, and children whose parents will not permit them to live at home. All children have equal access to the same free appropriate public education. A “homeless child” may attend the District school that the child attended when permanently housed or in which the child was last enrolled.
Please contact the McKinney Vento Homeless Liaison for more information at 815-725-5321
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